List of parallel session Webex Background Programme Book

About IABC 2022


The electrifying changes in the global economic climate have urged an intensified diversity in the roles and applications in business and accounting practices. Innovation and invention have become the additive elements in searching for new opportunities in accounting and business fields. Optimization in adapting to the change in demand in accounting and business undertaking is deemed able to uphold its sustainability. Thus, the 7th International Accounting and Business Conference (IABC) 2022 is a platform for sharing and communicating the current practices within the ambit of Islamic Finance, Finance & Economics, Accounting, Management & Marketing, as well as Information Science. This conference aims to create a unique opportunity for practitioners, researchers, academicians and policy makers to collaborate within accounting and business and to come together in an interchange of knowledge and ideas. Apart from that, this conference also provides an outlet for high quality refereed researches to be published as a recognition for their achievements.



Mohd Suhaimi Abdul Hamid was appointed to the Board and as the Chief Executive Officer of Standard Chartered Saadiq Berhad on 16 March 2019.

Suhaimi has an educational background in Bachelor of Economics (Hons) in 1999 major in Economics and minor in Islamic Finance from Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIA). He has also completed the Certificate of Islamic Banking issued by the International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF) in 2015.

Suhaimi has travelled extensively throughout his 20-odd years in the financial industry, working and living in countries such as Singapore, Indonesia and Kenya.

He has a total of 20 years’ experience in Islamic banking and corporate and has since garnered domestic and regional exposure throughout his career life in local and multinational financial institutions as well as the local regulator. He is married with 5 children and his hobbies are playing golf, gardening and cooking.

Mohd Suhaimi Abdul Hamid.
CEO of Standard Chartered Saadiq Malaysia


DAY 1 - 8 Sept 2022 / Thursday

Time Activity
08:00am Registration
08:45am Welcoming Address
Rector, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Johor

Launching Address
Professor Datuk Ts. Dr Hajah Roziah Mohd Janor,
UiTM Vice-Chancellor
9:15am Keynote Speech
Mohd Suhaimi Abdul Hamid,
CEO of Standard Chartered Saadiq Malaysia
10:30am Refreshment
11:00am Parallel Session I
Room 1: Accounting
Room 2: Banking/Economics/Finance
Room 3: Management & Marketing
Room 4: Others
1:00pm Break
2:00pm Parallel Session II
Room 1: Accounting
Room 2: Banking/Economics/Finance
Room 3: Management & Marketing
Room 4: Others
5:00pm End session for day 1

DAY 2 - 9 Sept 2022 / Friday

Time Activity
8:00am Parallel Session III
Room 1: Accounting
Room 2: Banking/Economics/Finance
Room 3: Management & Marketing
Room 4: Management & Marketing
10:00am Refreshment
10:30am Forum : "Bridging the Academia-Industry Gap"

Moderator : Oswald @ Timothy Edward

(i) Dato' Aria Putera Ismail, CEO of SME Bank
(ii) Ms. Ruzi Rani Ajith,CEO of CGS-CIMB SECURITIES
12:30pm Break
2:00pm Parallel Session IV
Room 1: Accounting & Banking
Room 2: Finance & Management
Room 3: Management & Marketing
Room 4: Management & Marketing
5:00pm End session for day 2

DAY 3 - 10 Sept 2022 / Saturday

Time Activity
2:00pm Closing and award ceremony
Rector, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Johor
3:30pm End of conference


Patron Profesor Ts. Dr Hajah Roziah Mohd Janor

Vice Chancellor of Universiti Teknologi MARA

Advisors Professor Dr Ismail Ahmad
Associate Professor Dr Saunah Zainon
Chairperson Dr Rosmawati Haron
Deputy Chairpersons Dr Faridah Najuna Misman
Dr Basaruddin Shah Basri
Secretariat Rosmah Abdul Ghani
Shashazrina Roslan
Dr. Nur Fatihah Shaari
Norshahnadz Mohamed Ghulam
Nor Atiqah Abd Hamid
Treasurer Musmailina Mustafa Kamal
Nurmalawati Bahrudin
Publicity & Multimedia Mohd Lezam Lehat
Journal Publication Dr Azila Jaini
Associate Professor Dr Syahrul Ahmar Ahmad
Logistic & Equipment Dr Suhaidi Elias @ Alias
Kamal Fahrulrazy Rahim
Protocol Datin Aryani Abdullah
Certificate Syaidatul Zarina Mat Din
Registration Dr Siti Masnah Saringat
Proceeding & Publication Jaslin Md Dahlan
Language Editor Fazdilah Md Kassim
Sponsorship and Webinar Dr Muhammad Majid
Dr Roslina Mohamad Shafi
Books Promotion Ahmad Akmal Mohd Idris
Special Task Dr Norashikin Ismail
Syamsyul Samsudin

We invite a call for research paper in various areas!




Financial Reporting, Auditing, Taxation, Corporate Governance, Cost and Management Accounting, Public Sector Accounting, Accounting Information System, Corporate Social Responsibility, Islamic Accounting, Financial Criminology

Finance & Economic

Business Agriculture & Economic Agriculture, Social Economic Problems, International Trade, Corporate Finance, Financial Engineering, Financial Planning, Financial Management, Investment, Fintech, Behavioral Finance

Islamic Finance

Islamic Banking, Islamic Capital Market, Islamic Economics, Takaful (Islamic Insurance), Islamic Social Finance, Islamic Wealth Management, Islamic Micro Finance


Bank Management and Performance, Bank Risk Management, Central Banks and Regulatory Issues, Banking Institution Issues, Resiliency of Banking Sector

Management & Marketing

Human Resource, Marketing, Quality Assurance, Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship, Supply Chain Management, Retailing, Operational Management, E-Commerce, E-Business


Tourism, Cross-Disciplinary areas of Business/Accounting with other areas, Business Law, Non-Profit Organizations, Other Areas of Accounting and Businesses.


The paper must be original and had not been previously accepted in any journal or under consideration for publication elsewhere;

  • - The papers must be sent in MS Word format to the IABC Online System
  • - All papers must conform to IABC2022 standard - format set in MS Word Template (Click Here)
  • - The paper must be written in English with a maximum of 6 single-spaced pages, including an abstract, references, tables, figures and appendices.
  • - Abstracts without the completed paper will NOT be accepted. Papers for the presentation at the conference will be selected through a double blinded review process.
  • - By submitting a paper to present at the IABC2022, you explicitly agree that you will definitely have a fund and shall register for the conference.


A similarity score must be checked using the plagiarism software, Turnitin, and MUST NOT EXCEED 30% (excluding REFERENCES).


Virtual Presentation offers the opportunity for publication of your paper without attending the IABC2022. Authors need to submit PowerPoint presentations (maximum 10 slides without video or audio) in addition to the paper submission through IABC Online System. These presentations will be uploaded in the IABC2022 website. The conference participants will have access to all virtual presentations during and after the conference.
(PowerPoint Template)


All accepted papers for IABC 2022 will be provided free publication in Insight Journal UiTM Cawangan Johor (IJ), a journal that is currently indexed in the Malaysian Citation Centre's MyJournal (MCC).

Only selected high-quality papers will be recommended for publication in SCOPUS/ERA journals, subject to the rules, terms, and conditions of the said journals. The author(s) will be responsible for any additional costs associated with publication processes.

*List will be updated from time to time to include more publication journals, that are currently subject to confirmation from the journal editor. The status for SCOPUS / ERA is true at the time the call for paper is made.


  • All publications of these selected high-quality papers are subject to correction from authors based on comments from reviewer/editorial board of the said journal before the papers are being published.
  • Authors may need to expand their respective manuscripts as the requirements of the said journal.
  • Authors shall pay additional amount as required by the said journal and shall liaise directly with the respective journal after the IABC 2022 event.


Activity Date
Call for papers 1st November 2021
Last Date for Full Paper Submission 2nd March 2022

14th May 2022

Notification of Full Paper Acceptance 21st April 2022

5th June 2022

Last Date for Payment 22nd May 2022

6th July 2022

Conference Date 8th to 10th Sept 2022


Category Fees
Presenter (Staff of UiTM Johor and Collaborator) RM500 Click to Pay
Profesional Presenter RM600 Click to Pay
Students RM350 Click to Pay

Additional Papers:
Category Fees
Presenter (Staff UiTM Johor and Collaborator) RM350 Click to Pay
Profesional Presenter RM450 Click to Pay
Students RM250 Click to Pay

All fees are inclusive of entries to all conference sessions, certificate for registered participant/presenter and publication in Insight Journal.



Contact Info

The 7th IABC 2022 Secretariat
Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Johor
Kampus Segamat

(Tel): +60 7935 2451 (Fax) : +60 7935 2716

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